Private Sector

  • Bar Chart Race of "Commodity imports from low- and middle-income countries in Sub-Saharan Africa (% of total)"
  • Bar Chart Race of "Number of procedures to start up/operate a business"
  • Bar Chart Race of "International Tourism Departures (Outbound)"
  • Bar Chart Race of "Time required to start a business for women"
  • Bar Chart Race of "International tourist arrivals (inbound)"
  • Bar Chart Race of "Latin America and the Caribbean: Share of merchandise exports to low- and middle-income countries"
  • Bar Chart Race of "Number of newly registered businesses"
  • Bar Chart Race of "Density of new businesses"
  • Bar Chart Race of "Running tariff rates (simple average, all products)"
  • Bar Chart Race of "Concessional tariffs (simple average, all products)"
  • Bar Chart Race of "Concessional tariff rate share (all products)"
  • Bar Chart Race of "Merchandise imports from low- and middle-income countries in Latin America and the Caribbean as % of total merchandise imports"
  • Bar Chart Race of "Time required to start a business for men"
  • Bar Chart Race of "Time required to start a business"
  • Bar Chart Race of "Sub-Saharan Africa's merchandise exports to low- and middle-income countries as % of total merchandise exports"
  • Bar Chart Race of "Tariff rates (MFN, weighted average, all products)"
  • Bar Chart Race of "Strength of legal rights index"
  • Bar Chart Race of "Tariff rates (MFN, simple average, all products)"
  • Bar Chart Race of "Ease of doing business score"
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